Digital colonization and platform regulation with Pinar Ozcan

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Pinar's Bio: Pinar Ozcan is a Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. She also serves as the Director of the Oxford Future of Finance and Technology (Fintech) Initiative.

Pinar specializes in entrepreneurship and strategy in technology markets. Her current research includes the open banking project, where she examines the industry disruption in banking through regulation and entry of fintech, and the development of the sharing economy.

Pinar completed her Ph.D. at the Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP) at the Stanford University Management Science and Engineering Department, and also holds a Master of Science and dual Bachelor’s degrees from Stanford.

At Stanford, Pinar directed the AEA Stanford Executive Institute, a summer executive program for the high-tech industry for three consecutive years. She also organized the Stanford Entrepreneurship Thought Leaders Seminars and helped create the Stanford Entrepreneurship Corner for entrepreneurship educators worldwide.

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