The impact and the future of platforms with Martin F. Kenney and John Zysman

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John's Bio: Zysman received his B.A at Harvard and his Ph.D. at MIT. He has written has extensively on European and Japanese policy and corporate strategy; his interests also include comparative politics, Western European politics, and political economy. Zysman’s publications include The Highest Stakes: The Economic Foundations of the Next Security System (Oxford University Press, 1992), Manufacturing Matters: The Myth of the Post-Industrial Economy (Basic Books, 1987), and Governments, Markets, and Growth: Finance and the Politics of Industrial Change (Cornell University Press, 1983).

Martin's Bio: Martin Kenney is a Distinguished Professor of Community and Regional Development at the University of California, Davis; a Senior Project Director at the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy; and a Senior Fellow at the Research Institute for the Finnish Economy. He has been a visiting scholar at the Copenhagen Business School, Cambridge, Hitotsubashi, Kobe, Stanford, Tokyo Universities, and UC San Diego. His scholarly interests are in the entrepreneurial high-technology regions, university-industry technology transfer, the development of the venture capital industry, and the potential social and economic impacts of online platforms on corporate strategy, industrial structures, and labor relations. He co-authored or edited seven books and 150 scholarly articles on related topics. His first book Biotechnology: The University-Industrial Complex was published by Yale University Press. His most recent edited books Public Universities and Regional Growth, Understanding Silicon Valley, and Locating Global Advantage were published by Stanford University Press where he edits the book series Innovation and Technological Change in the Global Economy. His co-edited book Building Innovation Capacity in China was published by Cambridge University Press in 2016 and has been translated into Chinese. He is a receiving editor at the world’s premier innovation research journal, Research Policy, and edits a Stanford University book series.

John's website at the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy:

Martin's website:

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