Algorithmic management and platforms with Mareike Möhlmann

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Mareike's Bio: Mareike is Assistant Professor in Bentley University's IPM department (since 2020). She conducts research in the field of information systems management. She is interested in platforms' use of digital technologies (e.g., matching algorithms or digital trust tools) and the effects on platform participants (e.g., Uber drivers or Airbnb users). Her major research interests are (1) algorithmic management on online labor platforms and the future of work, and (2) digital trust and reputation on (sharing economy) platforms. She conducts qualitative and quantitative research alike.

Previously, she worked as an Assistant Professor at Warwick Business School (2016-2020), a visiting scholar/teaching fellow at the London School of Economics (2018-2020), and a postdoctoral researcher at NYU’s Stern School of Business (2015-2016). She holds a doctoral degree in Business/Management from the University of Hamburg (2012-2015), and an M.Sc. in Management from the London School of Economics (2010). Before starting her career in academia she worked for the United Nations (NYC office) on topics such as sustainability, climate change, and the green economy.

Mareike's website:

Mareike's Twitter: @digital_mareike

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