Platform competition with Shiva Shekhar

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Shiva's bio: Shiva Shekhar is an Assistant Professor at Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TiSEM), a research affiliate at the CESifo Network, and a member of the Tilburg Law and Economics Center. His current research mainly focuses on platform strategies under competition and their impact on consumers. From 10.2018-12.2020, Shiva was employed as an Economist at Compass Lexecon where I assisted the team of several high-profile mergers as well as multiple anti-trust cases spanning multiple industries.

Mentioned papers: Superstar exclusivity in two-sided markets Platform Transformation Risk and the Role of Hosting Rivals Third-Degree Price Discrimination in Two-Sided Markets The Bright Side of the GDPR: Welfare-Improving Privacy Management

Shiva on Linkedin: Shiva's website:

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