Platform identity with Panos Constantinides

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Panos' Bio: Panos Constantinides is a Professor of Digital Innovation and Digital Learning Lead for Executive Education at Alliance Manchester Business School. He holds a PhD from the Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge and he is a Fellow of the Cambridge Digital Innovation Centre. Panos leads the Digital Transformation Research Group at Alliance Manchester Business School. Panos is also one of the co-founders of the European Digital Platforms Research Network (EUDPRN).

His research investigates how organizations use digital technologies to co-create and capture value while facilitating strategic transformation. His recent work has shed light on the formation and evolution of digital platforms across ecosystems, including platforms built on generative AI technologies. He advises senior business leaders and policymakers on how to manage the transition to new technologies and new business models in the digital economy. His research has been published in FT50 journals such as Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, and the Journal of Business Venturing and Organisation Studies, among others. His research has also appeared in Concurrences, Competition Policy International, PYMNTS, Thinkers50, MIT Sloan Management Review, ZDnet, and other media outlets.

Panos' Google Scholar page:

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