Workforce ecosystems with Elizabeth J. Altman

Show notes

Liz's bio: Elizabeth J. Altman is an associate professor of management at the University of Massachusetts Lowell’s Manning School of Business. Liz is also guest editor for the MIT Sloan Management Review Future of the Workforce Big Ideas initiative, a joint research effort with Deloitte. She has served as a visiting scholar at Harvard Business School and a visiting professor at the U.S. Military Academy (West Point). Her’s research focuses on topics related to strategy, innovation, platforms, ecosystems, organizational change, and the future of work.

Before entering academia, Liz spent 19 years in industry, primarily in mobile telecommunications, including nine years as a vice president at Motorola. She holds a doctorate in business administration from Harvard University, master of science degrees in mechanical engineering and management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering from Cornell University.

The Future of the Workforce Initiative at SMR:

Finding the Platform in Your Product:

The Translucent Hand of Managed Ecosystems: Engaging Communities for Value Creation and Capture:

Liz's upcoming book about Workforce Ecosystems on Amazon: (pre-ordern now! ;)

Liz on Linkedin:

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